

We are a team of young, enthusiastic scientists working at the interface of chemistry, engineering, and biomedical science. We leverage our expertise in materials chemistry, nanotechnology, bioimaging, and microfluidics to invent new bioanalytical tools that probe a previously inaccessible dimension of biological data. Using the newly developed technologies, we unveil the molecular and cellular mechanisms driving the ensemble behavior of native biological systems. The specific systems and biological questions we ask constantly evolve but we are generally interested in brains, tumor tissues, and microbial communities, the systems that have inherent heterogeneity and strong intercellular interactions. Our research projects range from technology development to discovery of new biology.

Positions Available

The Han lab has immediate openings for multiple postdoctoral researcher and technician positions. Please see the project descriptions below. Candidates are invited to apply by sending a CV, cover letter including the statement of research interest, relevant publications, and contact information for two references to Prof. Han (hshan@illinois.edu). Prof. Han is a faculty member in Chemistry, the Center for Biophysics and Quantitative Biology, and the Institute of Genomic Biology. The group members have full access to the facilities at IGB, MRL, MNTL, and Biotechnology Center.

1.       Spatial Transcriptomics: After a big boom in single-cell sequencing, the next step is to identify how cells are spatially and functionally organized so that we can better model the ensemble behavior of tissues. The Han lab has independently established a MERFISH platform that is freely expandable and reconfigurable. In addition to further innovating the platform to allow ultra-high throughput and high-resolution spatial transcriptomics, we are studying novel biology in brain and cancer. We have a couple of projects that are ready to generate high-impact data. Preference will be given to candidates with the following expertise
·       Molecular biology (for postdocs and technicians)
·       Imaging and bioinformatics/biostatistics (for postdocs)
·       Interest in brain and cancer (for postdocs and technicians)

2.       Microfluidics-based Single Virus Genomics: We have pioneered single virus genomics by developing microfluidic platforms that enable direct sequencing of single virus genomes at extremely high throughput (up to hundreds of thousands of virus particles). In addition to driving further technological innovation, we are using this new technology to study influenza virology and ecology. We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher to work on ‘quantitative profiling of the evolutionary processes in influenza’ using the new single virus sequencing platform. Preference will be given to candidates with the following expertise. Both more technology-oriented and biology-oriented candidates are welcome.
·       Microfluidics
·       Next-generation sequencing and data analysis
·       Influenza biology

For additional details, please refer to the available positions page.


05/2024: Single-Cell Genomics GRC – “Empowering Biology and Medicine with Single-Cell and Spatial Omics”
 Jin- The conference was a really great opportunity to interact with leading people in the field. Could gain new ideas, motivations, and could think about the future directions.

Lab News

01/2025: Qianlu passed a qualifying exam. Congratulations!
11/2024: Fun group activity! ICE SKATING

11/2024: Welcome Ella, to the Han lab’s microfluidics subgroup!
04/2024: Qianlu got a Neuroscience Special Recognition Award. Congratulations!
03/2024: Our new paper reporting a spot-based sub-pixel stitching for single molecule images is out now. congratulations Seokjin, Alex, and Juyeon! 
03/2024: Welcome Van, our new postdoc, to the Han lab’s microfluidics subgroup!
03/2024: Our new paper reporting an easy-and robust synthesis method for high quality quantum dot ligand is out now. congratulations Juyeon, Joon and Alex! 
12/2023: Hooding ceremony. Congrats Alex, Thomas, and Wenyang! 

Congratulations to Wenyang! He completed his thesis defense. 
10/2023: Thomas completed his thesis defense. Congratulations Dr. Thomas!
10/2023: Alex completed his thesis defense. Congratulations!!!
08/2023: Congratulations on getting an equipment funding from NIH to build a dedicated multi-scale, multimodal imaging platform for spatial omics!
08/2023: Congratulations on getting an R21 grant from NIH NHGRI for “Integrated experimental and statistical tools for ultra-high-throughput spatial transcriptomics”! This grant is in collaboration with prof. Zhao in Statistics!
08/2023: Congratulations to Thomas on his Pchem dissertation award and seminar on October 18!
04/2023: Professor Han will be giving a keynote talk at AWSOM (Atlanta Workshop on Single-cell OMics) on April 27-28.
04/2023: Ryan completed his thesis defense. Congratulations Dr. Miller!

03/2023: Congrats to Seungwook on his summer undergraduate research scholarship!
01/2023: Our imaging initiatives were featured in a UIUC news article: “Hee-Sun Han leading Spatial Omics Initiative at Illinois” Read more here.

11/2022: Marisa has passed her prelim and is now a PhD candidate. Congrats!
09/2022: Congratulations to JuYeon on her starting faculty position at Millikin University where she is an assistant professor in the Department of Biology and director of the pre-professional program in health sciences.
09/2022: Welcome to our new first years Farah, Jin, and Yaxin!
09/2022: We received ~2M funding from the NIH’s Maximizing Investigator’s Research Award for a “Chemical Toolbox for Multiscale Integrative Imaging.” This grant will support or tissue imaging and spatial transcriptomics.
08/2022: Ryan published his paper studying methods to modify and prolong release of antioxidant drugs in ACS Advanced Materials and Interfaces
06/2022: Wenyang published an invited perspective “Droplet Microfluidics for High-Resolution Virology” in ACS Analytical Chemistry!
06/2022: Outreach Activity at Next Gen School’s STEAM Studio! Demo experiments to inspire a new generation of Scientists. see photos
06/2022: Congrats to Professor Han! She received the Amy L. Devine Award for commitment to student learning!
05/2022: Thomas published a study of double emulsion droplets in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces.
02/2022: Wenyang published his first paper studying inertial microfluidics in ACS Analytical Chemistry!

10/2021: Han lab members attend the MicroTAS hybrid conference in Palm Springs, CA.
08/2021: First Han lab summer research symposium was so much fun! Juyeon won the best productivity award and Thomas won the best presentation award! see photos
08/2021: Congrats Wenyang for passing the prelim and becoming a PhD candidate!
08/2021: Congrats Joon for starting a faculty position at the Catholic University of Korea!
07/2021: We received funding from CSL Behring for multiplexed biomarker detection in patient blood!
06/2021: Professor Han was invited to give a talk on quantum dot precursor design at the Electrochemical Society meeting.
06/2021: Welcome undergraduate Calvin Doty to the group!
06/2021: Congratulations Marisa for getting the CBI training grant!
03/2021: Professor Han was invited to give a talk on microfluidic platforms for biomedical applications at Pittcon 2021.
02/2021: Professor Han served as a session chair at SLAS2021.
02/2021: Professor Han is selected as a finalist for SLAS Innovation award.
02/2021: Professor Han received the Johnson & Johnson WiSTEM2D Scholars award! The award selects 6 world-leading female scientists, one in each area of Science, Technology, Engineering, Technology, Math, Manufacturing, and Design. This year more than 650 applicants applied from 40 countries. Professor Han was selected as a winner for Science.

01/2021: Welcome Sungjong Lee to the group!
01/2021: Welcome undergraduate Jack Hovey to the group!
01/2021: Welcome undergraduate Starwing Chen to the group!
12/2020: Professor Han gave an invited seminar at New England Complex Fluid Meeting.
12/2020: Professor Han was invited to give a seminar in the Department of Biology at SNU.
Welcome Marisa Asadian to the lab.
10/2020: Professor Han was invited to give a seminar in the Biomedical Engineering department at Purdue.
09/2020: Welcome undergraduate Giselle to the group!
08/2020: Congratulations to Joon for his recent articles in ACS Nano and Nature Communications.
06/2020: Thomas’s article selected as inside front cover for Lab on a Chip issue 13. Congrats!


06/2020: We filed a patent on Joon’s QD precursor design. Good work!
: Prof. Han received a seed grant from Cancer Center at Illinois as a leading PI.


03/2020: Too bad that we cannot have farewell dinner with Arun Jayaraman, our undergraduate researcher. He was very productive, becoming an author on two papers. He is now off to graduate school at Georgia Tech!
: The Han group attended the Pittcon 2020 in Chicago. Joon gave an oral presentation and Juyeon, Thomas, Alex, Ding, and Wenyang gave a poster presentation. It was fun to hear new scientific progress from other groups and network with other scientists!


02/2020: Congratulations Alex for getting the UIUC chemistry travel grant!
: Welcome Ryan Miller to the lab.
11/2019: Professor Han was invited to give a departmental seminar in the Chemical Engineering department at Virginia Tech.
09/2019: The Han group attended the Turkey run conference! Everyone gave poster presentations!

08/2019: Professor Han gave an invited lecture at US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology, and entrepreneurship.
: Welcome undergraduate Andrew Dobria to the lab.
06/2019: We filed a patent with Thomas’s bead-based diagnostic technology with the Bashir group. Good work!
03/2019: Professor Han gave an invited seminar at Beckman Instituted.
12/2018: Welcome Wenyang Jing to the lab.
11/2018: The Han group attended the Turkey run conference. Prof. Han gave a keynote presentation and all other members gave poster presentations. It was fun!
11/2018: Professor Han was invited for a departmental seminar in the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics at University of Pittsburgh.
10/2018: Welcome Hanyang Zhao to the lab.
7/2018: Welcome postdoc JuYeon Lee to the lab.
5/2018: Lab construction is complete! See photos



We are a team of young, enthusiastic scientists working at the interface of chemistry, engineering, and biomedical science. We leverage our expertise in materials chemistry, nanotechnology, bioimaging, and microfluidics to invent new bioanalytical tools that probe a previously inaccessible dimension of biological data. Using the newly developed technologies, we unveil the molecular and cellular mechanisms driving the ensemble behavior of native biological systems. The specific systems and biological questions we ask constantly evolve but we are generally interested in brains, tumor tissues, and microbial communities, the systems that have inherent heterogeneity and strong intercellular interactions. Our research projects range from technology development to discovery of new biology.

Positions Available

The Han lab has immediate openings for multiple postdoctoral researcher and technician positions. Please see the project descriptions below. Candidates are invited to apply by sending a CV, cover letter including the statement of research interest, relevant publications, and contact information for two references to Prof. Han (hshan@illinois.edu). Prof. Han is a faculty member in Chemistry, the Center for Biophysics and Quantitative Biology, and the Institute of Genomic Biology. The group members have full access to the facilities at IGB, MRL, MNTL, and Biotechnology Center.

1.       Spatial Transcriptomics: After a big boom in single-cell sequencing, the next step is to identify how cells are spatially and functionally organized so that we can better model the ensemble behavior of tissues. The Han lab has independently established a MERFISH platform that is freely expandable and reconfigurable. In addition to further innovating the platform to allow ultra-high throughput and high-resolution spatial transcriptomics, we are studying novel biology in brain and cancer. We have a couple of projects that are ready to generate high-impact data. Preference will be given to candidates with the following expertise
·       Molecular biology (for postdocs and technicians)
·       Imaging and bioinformatics/biostatistics (for postdocs)
·       Interest in brain and cancer (for postdocs and technicians)

2.       Microfluidics-based Single Virus Genomics: We have pioneered single virus genomics by developing microfluidic platforms that enable direct sequencing of single virus genomes at extremely high throughput (up to hundreds of thousands of virus particles). In addition to driving further technological innovation, we are using this new technology to study influenza virology and ecology. We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher to work on ‘quantitative profiling of the evolutionary processes in influenza’ using the new single virus sequencing platform. Preference will be given to candidates with the following expertise. Both more technology-oriented and biology-oriented candidates are welcome.
·       Microfluidics
·       Next-generation sequencing and data analysis
·       Influenza biology

For additional details, please refer to the available positions page.

Lab News

12/2023: Hooding ceremony. Congrats Alex, Thomas, and Wenyang! 

Congratulations to Wenyang! He completed his thesis defense. 
10/2023: Thomas completed his thesis defense. Congratulations Dr. Thomas!
10/2023: Alex completed his thesis defense. Congratulations!!!
08/2023: Congratulations on getting an equipment funding from NIH to build a dedicated multi-scale, multimodal imaging platform for spatial omics!
08/2023: Congratulations on getting an R21 grant from NIH NHGRI for “Integrated experimental and statistical tools for ultra-high-throughput spatial transcriptomics”! This grant is in collaboration with prof. Zhao in Statistics!
08/2023: Congratulations to Thomas on his Pchem dissertation award and seminar on October 18!
04/2023: Professor Han will be giving a keynote talk at AWSOM (Atlanta Workshop on Single-cell OMics) on April 27-28.
04/2023: Ryan completed his thesis defense. Congratulations Dr. Miller!

03/2023: Congrats to Seungwook on his summer undergraduate research scholarship!
01/2023: Our imaging initiatives were featured in a UIUC news article: “Hee-Sun Han leading Spatial Omics Initiative at Illinois” Read more here.

11/2022: Marisa has passed her prelim and is now a PhD candidate. Congrats!
09/2022: Congratulations to JuYeon on her starting faculty position at Millikin University where she is an assistant professor in the Department of Biology and director of the pre-professional program in health sciences.
09/2022: Welcome to our new first years Farah, Jin, and Yaxin!
09/2022: We received ~2M funding from the NIH’s Maximizing Investigator’s Research Award for a “Chemical Toolbox for Multiscale Integrative Imaging.” This grant will support or tissue imaging and spatial transcriptomics.
08/2022: Ryan published his paper studying methods to modify and prolong release of antioxidant drugs in ACS Advanced Materials and Interfaces
06/2022: Wenyang published an invited perspective “Droplet Microfluidics for High-Resolution Virology” in ACS Analytical Chemistry!
06/2022: Outreach Activity at Next Gen School’s STEAM Studio! Demo experiments to inspire a new generation of Scientists. see photos
06/2022: Congrats to Professor Han! She received the Amy L. Devine Award for commitment to student learning!
05/2022: Thomas published a study of double emulsion droplets in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces.
02/2022: Wenyang published his first paper studying inertial microfluidics in ACS Analytical Chemistry!

10/2021: Han lab members attend the MicroTAS hybrid conference in Palm Springs, CA.
08/2021: First Han lab summer research symposium was so much fun! Juyeon won the best productivity award and Thomas won the best presentation award! see photos
08/2021: Congrats Wenyang for passing the prelim and becoming a PhD candidate!
08/2021: Congrats Joon for starting a faculty position at the Catholic University of Korea!
07/2021: We received funding from CSL Behring for multiplexed biomarker detection in patient blood!
06/2021: Professor Han was invited to give a talk on quantum dot precursor design at the Electrochemical Society meeting.
06/2021: Welcome undergraduate Calvin Doty to the group!
06/2021: Congratulations Marisa for getting the CBI training grant!
03/2021: Professor Han was invited to give a talk on microfluidic platforms for biomedical applications at Pittcon 2021.
02/2021: Professor Han served as a session chair at SLAS2021.
02/2021: Professor Han is selected as a finalist for SLAS Innovation award.
02/2021: Professor Han received the Johnson & Johnson WiSTEM2D Scholars award! The award selects 6 world-leading female scientists, one in each area of Science, Technology, Engineering, Technology, Math, Manufacturing, and Design. This year more than 650 applicants applied from 40 countries. Professor Han was selected as a winner for Science.

01/2021: Welcome Sungjong Lee to the group!
01/2021: Welcome undergraduate Jack Hovey to the group!
01/2021: Welcome undergraduate Starwing Chen to the group!
12/2020: Professor Han gave an invited seminar at New England Complex Fluid Meeting.
12/2020: Professor Han was invited to give a seminar in the Department of Biology at SNU.
Welcome Marisa Asadian to the lab.
10/2020: Professor Han was invited to give a seminar in the Biomedical Engineering department at Purdue.
09/2020: Welcome undergraduate Giselle to the group!
08/2020: Congratulations to Joon for his recent articles in ACS Nano and Nature Communications.
06/2020: Thomas’s article selected as inside front cover for Lab on a Chip issue 13. Congrats!


06/2020: We filed a patent on Joon’s QD precursor design. Good work!
: Prof. Han received a seed grant from Cancer Center at Illinois as a leading PI.


03/2020: Too bad that we cannot have farewell dinner with Arun Jayaraman, our undergraduate researcher. He was very productive, becoming an author on two papers. He is now off to graduate school at Georgia Tech!
: The Han group attended the Pittcon 2020 in Chicago. Joon gave an oral presentation and Juyeon, Thomas, Alex, Ding, and Wenyang gave a poster presentation. It was fun to hear new scientific progress from other groups and network with other scientists!


02/2020: Congratulations Alex for getting the UIUC chemistry travel grant!
: Welcome Ryan Miller to the lab.
11/2019: Professor Han was invited to give a departmental seminar in the Chemical Engineering department at Virginia Tech.
09/2019: The Han group attended the Turkey run conference! Everyone gave poster presentations!

08/2019: Professor Han gave an invited lecture at US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology, and entrepreneurship.
: Welcome undergraduate Andrew Dobria to the lab.
06/2019: We filed a patent with Thomas’s bead-based diagnostic technology with the Bashir group. Good work!
03/2019: Professor Han gave an invited seminar at Beckman Instituted.
12/2018: Welcome Wenyang Jing to the lab.
11/2018: The Han group attended the Turkey run conference. Prof. Han gave a keynote presentation and all other members gave poster presentations. It was fun!
11/2018: Professor Han was invited for a departmental seminar in the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics at University of Pittsburgh.
10/2018: Welcome Hanyang Zhao to the lab.
7/2018: Welcome postdoc JuYeon Lee to the lab.
5/2018: Lab construction is complete! See photos

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